What is a Child theme ?
A WordPress child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality and styling of its parent theme. Utilizing a child theme enables you to make modifications and customizations to the parent theme without impacting the original files. This documentation will guide you through the process of installing a child theme for Dat block theme, even if you have little to no coding experience.
Step 1 – Install Parent theme
The first thing to do is install the parent theme from the a3 Dashboard > Block Theme Menu. In the menu, you will find the Dat Block Theme.
1. Access the a3 Dashboard Menu. From the menu, click on “Block Theme”.
2. Choose the DAT Block theme and click install.
3. Don’t forget to activate the theme.
4. After installation you can check its status on the WordPress theme menu.
5. You will see the D theme active
Step 2: Download the Child Theme Zip File
Now that the parent theme has been installed, it’s time to download and activate the child theme.
Click on the following link to download the zip file for the Dat Block Theme child theme:
1. Now that the parent theme has been installed, it’s time to download and activate the child theme.
2. Visit the plugin documentation site: docs.a3rev.com
3. Find the DAT theme documentation on WordPress section
4. Click on the following link to download the zip file for the Dat Block Theme child theme or find it in the video description. Download here: Dat Child Theme Zip File
5. Save the downloaded zip file to a location on your computer that you can easily find later.
Step 3: Log in to Your WP Admin Dashboard
- Launch your preferred web browser.
- Navigate to your WordPress website’s login page, typically located at “yourdomain.com/wp-admin” or “yourdomain.com/wp-login.php.”
- Provide your WordPress admin username and password.
- Click on “Log In” to access your WordPress admin dashboard.

Step 4: Install the Child Theme
1. In your WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to Appearance > then themes from the left-hand sidebar menu.
2. Click on the “Add New” button at the top of the page.
3. Click on the “Upload Theme” button.
4. Select the “Choose File” button and browse to the location where you saved the child theme zip file in Step 1.
5. Choose the child theme zip file and click “Open.”
6. Click on the “Install Now” button to upload and install the child theme.
7. Click on the “Activate” button to enable the child theme on your WordPress website.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed and activated a blank child theme for your WordPress block theme. Now, you can confidently make customizations to your website without impacting the original files of the parent theme. Remember to regularly update and maintain the parent theme to ensure compatibility and enhance the security of your website.